Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SLC english Tips

Tips for the students attending SLC examinations

Students are required to write correct answers with appropriate layout and format to secure good marks. Answers with attractive handwriting, design and layout will be extra advantage for the candidates. It has been found out that the students, despite writing the correct answers, have not got marks as much as they deserve. There are various factors affecting the marking like: layout design, organization of the answers, handwriting etc. This section simply give some tips for the students so that they will get better marks in the SLC examination. These tips are equally important to the teachers as well. The teachers need to instruct their students accordingly.
Some of the mistakes that the students make regarding layout and design of the answers in the SLC examination, found during re-totaling procedure and other research activities, are listed below:

1.      Writing answers inside the cover page. The cover page is torn during coding and thus the answers on that page are left unmarked.
2.      Misinterpreting the ‘Rewrite’ instruction. Some candidates write the questions first as they are in the test paper and then they repeat the same sentence while answering.        
e.g. I saw ……….. ewe yesterday. (a/an/the)
Ans: I saw a ewe yesterday.
Answers written in such way could be overlooked; consequently the candidates may lose the marks.
3.      Writing the answers of different questions with not enough space in between them.
4.      Writing news stories, stories and essays without heading/ title.
5.      Writing/copying unnecessary lines particularly in short answer questions of reading comprehension questions.
6.      Rewriting the text of question number nine i.e. grammar type 2 with the correct alternative but left not underlined. Answers to this type should be distinctly seen.
7.      Some students are found to have done the matching exercise by drawing lines and not writing the words with their meanings in the same line.
Better ways to write the answers accurately and with good layout according to the types of questions are exemplified below. Students will benefit if they follow these and teachers are required to deliver these to their students:



There are many kinds of test items commercially produced and compiled by various publishing houses in the market. These products do more harm than good to the students. (Study on Student Performance in SLC: 2005). It is frequently commented that SLC candidates as well as the school teachers are not familiar with the test items that appear in the SLC examinations. These prototype tests are prepared for the same purpose. These tests can be administered among the SLC candidates and the results will indicate the problem areas where both teachers and students need to focus to enhance their achievement. These tests will also enable them to know the standards and expectations of the SLC examinations. Attempting the test items of these sets and comparing the answers with the keys given at the end will enable the students to find out how much they have learnt and what difficulties and weaknesses they have. The test papers are preceded by some practical tips on attempting the SLC test items of English subject. These tips are not only helpful to students, but also equally helpful to the teachers to guide their students to prepare for the examination.
These test papers are prepared by a team of secondary English teachers: Dinesh Sanjel, Lalmani Joshi, Ananda Dhungana, Dharmananda Joshi, Bharat Babu Khanal, Suresh Shrestha and Romharsha Panthi. Likewise, Bishnu Prasad Parajuli from Curriculum Development Center (CDC) and Shankar Adhikari from Office of the Controller of Examinations (OCE) have contributed a lot to prepare these test papers. OCE is grateful to all those who have invested their time and efforts to prepare these test papers. 
For any Inquiries, Problems send me mail at: kingaditya49@gmail.com..

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The important Question no 15 for SLC

1.      A / B n] Pp6f sfd s|dz M 12 / 16 lbgdf ug{ ;S5g\ . A / B b'j}hgf ldn]/ 4 lbg sfd u/]kl5 B n] ;f] sfd 5f]8\5 eg] afFsL sfd ug{ A nfO{ slt lbg nfUnf < kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
                                                                                                                                                                        A and B can do a piece of work in 12 and 16 days respectively. A and B work together for 4 days and             B leaves the work, find how long will A take to complete the remaining work. 

2.Tap P and Q take 2 hours and 4 hours respectively to fill a cistern. After what period of time of opening tap P and Q together should tap P be closed such that tap Q can fill the remaining part in 2 hours? Find it.                                                      [Ans: 40 minutes]

3.X , Y and Z can do a piece of work in 20, 30 and 40 days respectively. All of them start working together but X leaves after 10 days and Z leaves 6 days before the completion of the work. Find, in how many days the whole work would be completed.
4.Lalita does  of a piece of work in 12 days and completes the remaining work with the help of kushal in 4 days. Find how long kushal takes to complete the entire work by himself.                                                                                                            [Ans: 20days

Maths questions 2069

Model Set 1

Time: 3.00 hours                                                                    Full Marks: 100
                                                                                    Pass Marks: 32
                                                ;d'x …sÚ (Group ‘A’)              [9×(2+2)=36]

1.         a.         dfg lgsfNg'xf];\ (Evaluate):
            b.       ;/n ug{'xf];\  (Simplify): 
2.         a.         xn ug{'xf];\ (Solve) :
  b.            olb Pp6f wgfTds ;ª\Vofsf] ju{af6 7 36fpFbf kl/0ffd 9 x'G5 eg] pQm ;ª\Vof kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
If 7 is subtracted from the square of a positive number, the result is 9. Find the number.  
3.         a.         olb = 400+20a, =18+2a / lbOPsf] >]0fLsf] dWos @) eP a sf] dfg lgsfNg'xf]; .                                                                            
If = 400+20a ,=18+2a, and the mean of the given series is 20, find the value of a.
b.         ;Fu} lbOPsf ;l~rt jf/Djf/tf js|jf6 dlWosf / dlWsfsf] ju{
kQf nufpg'xf];\ .  
Find the median class and value of median from the adjoining cumulative frequency curve.

4.         a.         /fd|/L lkml6Psf] 52 kQL ePsf] tf;sf] u8\8Laf6 Pp6f kQL
lgsflnPsf] 5 eg] pQm klQ /fgL  cyjf sfnf] /ªsf] PSsf kg{] ;DefJotf kQf nufpg'xf];\ . 
A card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards. Find the probability of getting such card is queen or a black ace.
 b.        Pp6f l;SsfnfO{ b'O{k6s ;Dd pkmfbf{ aGg] ;DefJotfnfO{ j[Iflrqdf k|:t't ug{'xf];\ .
A coin is tossed two times and represents the probabilities in a tree diagram.

5.         a.      lqe'h ABC  df  AB=8 ;]=ld= BC= 12 ;]=ld= / ÐABC=60° eP  ;f] lqe'hsf] If]qkmn kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
In ∆ABC, AB=8cm, BC= 12 cm and  ÐABC=60°.
Find the area of the triangle.

b.         lbOPsf] lrq lqe'hfsf/ cfwf/ ePsf] Pp6f 7f]; lk|Hd xf] . olb AB= 3;]=ld= BC=5;]=ld= / CF= 12;]=ld= eP pQm lk|Hdsf] cfotg kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
The adjoining diagram is a triangular based solid prism. If AB= 3cm, BC=5cm and CF= 12cm find the volume of the prism.
6. a .                Pp6f a]ngfsf] cw{Jof; / prfOsf] of]ukmn 12 ;]=ld / cfwf/sf] kl/lw 416 ;]=ld= eP pQm
a]ngfsf] k"/f ;txsf] If]qkmn lgsfNg'xf];\ .
 If the sum of radius and height of cylinder is 12 cm and circumference of base is    416 cm find the total surface area of that cylinder.
b.       ;Fu} lbOPsf] lrq Pp6f 7f]; uf]nfsf] xf] . olb cfwf/sf] Jof;  -  AB)= 28 ;]=ld= eP pQm uf]nfsf] cfotg lgsfNg'xf];\ .
The diagram given alongside is of a solid sphere. If AB= 28 cm, Find the volume of the sphere.

7.      a.            Pp6f j:t'sf] jf:tljs d"Nodf15%  a9fO{ clª\st d"No ?= 2760 sfod ul/of] . ;f] j:t'sf] jf:tljs d"No kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
The marked price of an article was fixed to Rs. 2760 by increasing 15% in its actual price. Find its actual price.
b.        ?= 5000 sf] k|ltjif{ 10%  jflif{s rqmLo Aofhb/n] 2 jif{df x'g] rlqmo ld>wg kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
Find the compound amount on Rs. 5000 in 2 years at 10% per annum.

8.           a.      lbOPsf] lrqdf, WXYZ Pp6f ;dfgfGt/ rt'e{'h 5 . olb WX nfO laGb'   V ;Dd
a9fpFbf ag]sf] ∆ZYV sf] If]qkmn 15cm2 eP ∆WXT sf] If]qkmn kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
If the given figure, WXYZ is a parallelogram . WX is extended       up to U and ∆ZYU is formed. If Area of ∆ZYU is 15cm2, find             the area of ∆WXT.
b.     lbOPsf] lrqdf PR^QS 5 . olb ÐPQS=46° eP ÐQSR kQf         nufpg'xf];\ . In the given figure, PR^QS. If  ÐPQS=46°, find ÐQSR.
9.         a.     lbOPsf] lrqdf laGb'x? A, D, C /  B cw{j[Qdf 5g\ . olb ÐDAC=30° /  ÐABC= 70° eP ÐACD kQf nufpg'xf];\ .      
In the given figure, points A, D, C and B are on semi-circle. If     ÐDAC=30° and ÐABC= 70°, find ÐACD.

b. lbOPsf] lrqdf PT n] laGb'  A df j[QnfO{ :kz{ u/]sf] 5 . olbÐBAT=60°  / ÐBAC=50° eP ÐABC kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
In the given figure, PT touches a circle at a point A. If ÐBAT=60° and ÐBAC=50°, find ÐABC.

;d'x …vÚ (Group ‘B’)                      [16×4=36]

10        Pp6f ljBfyL{x¿sf] ;d"xdf ul/Psf] ;j{]If0fdf 70%  ljBfyL{x¿n] j}1flgsx¿sf ;DaGwdf , 65%  n] v]nf8Lx?sf ;DaGwdf / 430 hgfn] b'j}sf af/]df cWoog u/]sf] kfOof] . olb 8%  n] s'g} sf] af/]df klg cWoog u/]sf] kfOPg eg] M
In a survey of the group of students, it was found that 70% of students studied   about scientists, 65% about players and 430 studied about both scientists and players. If 8% did not study about scientists and players, then,

i)           dflysf] tYofªsnfO{ e]glrqdf k|:t't ug{'xf];\ .
     Represent the above information in a Venn-diagram.
ii)         ;j{]If0fdf efu lnPs]f hDdf ljBfyL{;ª\Vof kQf nufpg'xf];\ . 
     Find the total number of students who took part in the survey.

11.       dxQd ;dfkjt{s lgsfNg'xf];\ . (Find the H.C.F of):

12.       xn ug{'xf];\ . (Solve) : 5x-1 + 5-x = 1

13.     ;/n ug{'xf];\ . (Simplify):-         

14.   b'O{ cÍsf] s'g} Pp6f ;ª\Vof, Tof] ;ª\Vofsf] cª\sx¿sf] of]usf] rf/ u'0ff 5 . olb Tof] ;ª\Vofsf] cª\sx¿sf] :yfg abn]/ aGg] ;ª\Vof / 9 sf] of]ukmn] pQm ;ª\Vofsf] b'O{ u'0ff x'G5 eg], ;f] ;ª\Vof kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
A two digit number is four times the sum of its digits. If the sum of the number formed by reversing its digits and 9 is two times the original number, find the original number.

15.       olb tn lbOPs]f cfFs8fsf] dWos 68 eP x sf] dfg kQf  nufpg'xf];\ .
If the mean of the following data is 68, find the value of x.
Marks obtained -k|fKtfÍ_
No.of students  -ljBfyL{sf] ;+Vof_

16.       Pp6f gbLsf] lsgf/df ePsf] 40 ld6/ cUnf] ¿vsf] 6'Kkf]df pQm gbLsf] csf{] lsgf/af6 cjnf]sg ubf{ pGgtf+z sf]0f 30° kfOof] eg] ;f] gbLsf] rf}8fO kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
The angle of elevation of the top of a tree, 40m high situated at the bank of a river when observed from the opposite bank of the river is found to be 30°, find the breadth of the river.

17.       lbOPsf] 7f]; a:t' j]ngf / cw{uf]nf ldn]/ ag]sf] 5 . h;sf] cfwf/sf] Jof; 14;]=ld= / k"/f nDafO 21;]=ld= 5 eg] ;f] 7f]; a:t'sf] k"/f ;txsf] If]qkmn kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
The given solid object is made up of a cylinder and a hemisphere whose diameter of the base is 14cm and total length is 21 cm. Find the total surface area of the solid object.

18.       tn lbOPsf ju{ cfwf/ ePsf] lk/fld8sf] k"/f ;txsf]   
If]qkmn lgsfNg'xf];\ .
Find the total surface area of the following
square based pyramid.
19.       A / B n] Pp6f sfd s|dz M 12 / 16 lbgdf ug{ ;S5g\ . A / B b'j}hgf ldn]/ 4 lbg sfd u/]kl5 B n] ;f] sfd 5f]8\5 eg] afFsL sfd ug{ A nfO{ slt lbg nfUnf < kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
A and B can do a piece of work in 12 and 16 days respectively. A and B work together for 4 days and B leaves the work, find how long will A take to complete the remaining work.

20.       Pp6f Sofd/f 25% 5'6 lbP/ 10% d"No clej[l4 s/ nufO{ a]lrof] . olb 5'6 /sd ?= 750 eP pQm Sofd/fsf] d"Nodf d"No clej[l4 s/ /sd slt lyof] kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
A camera was sold after allowing 25% discount on the marked price and then levying 10% value added tax (VAT). If the discounted amount was Rs.750, how much value added tax (VAT) was levied on the price of the camera?

21.       Pp6f ufpFsf] hg;ª\Vof k|To]s jif{ 5 k|ltztn] a9\b} hfG5 . olb b'O{ jif{sf] cGTodf 1025 hgf a;fOF ;/]/ cGoq hfFbf ;f] ufpFsf] hg;ª\Vof 10,000 eof] eg] ;'?df ;f] ufpFsf] hg;ª\Vof slt lyof] <
The population of a village increases every year by 5%. If 1025 people leave the village at the end of two years and the population of the village is 10,000, find the population of the village in the beginning.

22.       Pp6} cfwf/ QR / pxL ;dfgfGt/ /]vfx? QR / PS sf] jLrdf ag]sf lqe'hx¿ PQR / SQR sf] If]qkmn a/fa/ x'G5g egL k|dfl0ft ug'{xf];\ .
Prove that the triangles PQR and SQR standing on same base QR and between same parallel lines QR and PS are equal in area.

23.       ;Fu}sf] lrqdf PT j[Qsf] Jof; xf] / O s]Gb|laGb' xf] olb  rfk SR= rfk RT eP PS//OR.x'G5 egL l;4 ug'{xf];\ .
In alongside diagram, PT is the diameter and O is centre of circle. If  arc SR=arc RT, prove that PS//OR.

24.       Pp6f j[Qsf] pxL rfkdf cfwfl/t kl/lwsf]0fx¿ a/fa/ x'G5g\ egL k|of]u4f/f l;4 ug'{xf];\ . -slDtdf 3;]=ld= cw{Jof; ePsf b'O{ cf]6f j[Qx¿ cfjZos 5g\._ Verify experimentally that the angles at the circumference standing on the same arc of  a circle are equal.(Two circles of radii at least 3 cm are necessary.)

25.       rt'e'{h ABCD sf] /rgf ug'{xf];\ h;df AB=5.8 ;]=ld, BC=6.2;]=ld , CD=5.1;]=ld , DA=4.8;]=ld /  ÐBAD=60° 5g\ .;fy} pQm rt'e'{h;Fu If]qkmn a/fa/ x'g] lqe'hsf] /rgf ug'{xf];\ .
Construct a quadrilateral ABCD in which AB=5.8cm, BC=6.2cm , CD=5.1cm , DA=4.8cm and ÐBAD=60°.also construct a triangle equal in area to the quadrilateral ABCD.